Golden Jubilee Golf Outing

Thursday September 23rd, 2021 10:00 a.m.

The Golf Outing was another huge success.  Those in attendence were: Bill Fagan, Mark DiCarlo, Tim Kelly, John Hess, Phil Poppa, Jim Root, Deuce Livers, Doug Hasty, Mark Kratofil, Steve Kelly, Bill Graham, Jim Hudnall, Steve Hughes, Tony DiGiovanni, Jim Glynn, Brian O'Malley, Paul Niewrzel, George Donnelly, Steve DeCoursey, Dan Euston, Don Rau, Jim McLaughlin, Jim Joyce, John Conaghan, Larry O'Donnell, Bernie Becker, Dan Bukovac, Gary Christian, Gary Galvan, Kevin Clune, Ed Cotter, Jim Petrie, Chris Pucci, Bob Sirridge, Kim Hein, Danny Welsh, and Ken Elliott.


Special thanks to Danny Welsh for putting this event together!



Thursday September 17th, 2020  10:00 a.m.

The Golf Outing was a huge success.  Those in attendence were:  George Donnelly, Don Rau, Ed Cotter, Jim Hudnall, Kevin Clune, Jim Petrie, Paul Niewrzel, Don Bukovac, Gary Galvin, Jim Glynn, Brian O'Malley, Tony DiGiovanni, Danny Welsh, Jim McLaughlin, Bernie Becker and John Conaghan.

The 100 Year Golf Outing is scheduled for September 17th, 2070!  Mark your calendars!