Tom was one four guys in our class to go up to Notre Dame in the fall of 1970, along with Phil DeCoursey, Steve DeCoursey and myself. We all lived in different dorms, and didn’t hang out much together. I remember that Tom always had a smile on his face, as if he saw something pleasant or humorous going on that the rest of us were missing. Sounds like he led a very full life.
James Glynn
Bernard Becker
Tom was one four guys in our class to go up to Notre Dame in the fall of 1970, along with Phil DeCoursey, Steve DeCoursey and myself. We all lived in different dorms, and didn’t hang out much together. I remember that Tom always had a smile on his face, as if he saw something pleasant or humorous going on that the rest of us were missing. Sounds like he led a very full life.