Chip might have been the best of all of us, and he was gone way too soon. Almost daily, there are reminders of who he was and what excellence he inspired in us. Wherever you are, Chip, I raise a glass to you.
Chip, didn't know you that well, but you will be missed. I always looked at our class as a huge family (at times disfunctional) of brothers. We didn't always agree or run in the same circles, but but when it came down to it, you didn't screw with our brothers. The loss is for those of us who didn't get to know you like some of our other classmates!
Chip, we had some fine times. It's impossible to understand why some of us are taken early and others live to a ripe and cantankerous old age. (Like 58) You'll live always in my memory.
Randy Barron
Chip might have been the best of all of us, and he was gone way too soon. Almost daily, there are reminders of who he was and what excellence he inspired in us. Wherever you are, Chip, I raise a glass to you.
David Courtwright
Wise beyond his years. Knew how to tell a story, too. Chip, we'll miss you at the reunion.
Jose Jimenez
Chip, didn't know you that well, but you will be missed. I always looked at our class as a huge family (at times disfunctional) of brothers. We didn't always agree or run in the same circles, but but when it came down to it, you didn't screw with our brothers. The loss is for those of us who didn't get to know you like some of our other classmates!
Daniel Doran
Chip, we had some fine times. It's impossible to understand why some of us are taken early and others live to a ripe and cantankerous old age. (Like 58) You'll live always in my memory.